In English

Loisto setlementti (Loisto settlement)

Loisto setlementti ry is a Finnish non-governmental organisation established in 1974 as Kalliolan Nuoret ry (Kalliola Youth Association). Loisto setlementti is a Finnish forerunner in youth work and has a long history of working with a gender sensitive and a culturally sensitive approach. The organisation has no religious nor political affiliation but remains an active participant in societal discourse around youth wellbeing and gender equality.

Loisto setlementti consists of circa 50 employees and different units such as:
– Poikien Talo (Boys’ House) in Helsinki and Vantaa
– Tyttöjen talo (Girls’ House) in Helsinki and Espoo
– Unit for honour related issues and conflicts Sopu
– Supported housing for youth (SaTu)
– Support for young parents Silmu
– Unit for Sexual health and Sexual violence work
– Unit for digital youth work Sua varten somessa (“For you in social media”), that serves children and youth all around Finland.

Loisto setlementti also runs various development projects. Loisto’s guiding values are equality and diversity, community, and trust in every individual’s unique potential. Loisto setlementti’s core mission is to work with youth in vulnerable positions to increase their wellbeing, prevent marginalisation and support their mental health.

In 2022, there were 39 527 visits in Loisto’s activities, reaching 3465 young people in individual support sessions or group activities. Loisto setlementti also provides trainings and workshops for youth workers and other professionals working with children and young people. In 2022, Loisto setlementti’s staff enabled 65 workshops, providing information and capacity building for 4973 professionals.

Loisto setlementti’s funding comes largely from STEA (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health organisations, operating in connection with the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health, which funds Finnish social and healthcare organizations), European Union, and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa.

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